Sunday, January 27, 2013

 Every couple of months we get to go to Nurnberg for a Zone Conference. These kids are so mature and yet kids at the same time. Their under- standing of Gospel Principles is humbling. Besides the inspirational meetings, we have a delicious lunch and singing of the birthday song to those who have had birthdays since the last meeting. Elder Lee was a good sport, he got to pick a candy bar out of a basket so he picked my favorite kind and gave it to me. What a guy!! It was a cold and snowy day so we didn't do much sightseeing, just window shopping as we drove through the cold streets. It always amazes me where we are!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Rain, rain, rain, snow, cold, snow, cold.... We would have cabin fever except we have things to do everyday. I do miss the sun!! We are busy cooking, visiting, and meeting. We haven't even gone sightseeing lately, it's too cold and snowy. The missionaries are busy teaching people from all walks of life and from all over the world. We help with the teaching and go on visits to single sisters. We continue to love this work and feelings of peace and satisfaction we receive.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

I'm still having a hard time downloading pictures on here. Let's see if this works!! We can't get over the beautiful sunrises and sunsets we see out of our bedroom window. It's almost like a new picture everyday.

And we love getting pictures of our Primary. It has been a bit of a challenge but fun teaching these two (4 and 2 years old). They don't speak German so they are stuck with me being their teacher.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

We are out of the routine of blogging! Time for the new year and to start afresh. We have renewed vigor to accomplish the tasks we have with enthusiasm. We have new people to visit, more talks and lessons to give and new recipes to try. The toaster oven, if watched carefully, can bake cakes and cookies in small amounts - can you say Easy Bake? Ok, it's not that bad but close.
I have been waiting to post until I could download/upload pictures but Blogger seems to be out of the picture business. Is anyone else have trouble posting pictures?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

This is a test. We haven't been able to post pictures onto our blog, can we post anything? I don't have a lot of pictures to post nor do I have a lot to say, but I'm sure everyone is waiting with baited breath as to our activities!